What is a consultation?

A Herbal consultation is a 1:1 conversation with a herbalist where we speak with you to find out what is happening and how we can help. You often leave the conversation with advice on your journey towards health and a herbal prescription. The first consultation is usually 45 minutes to an hour with the aim of finding out the issues and the possible contributing factors. We aim to look holistically at your health picture so be prepared to be asked questions about your bowels and childhood!

The booking process

1) Online/Phone Booking
Choose your preferred method to schedule an appointment, either via our website or by emailing us. Please note that 1:1 consultations are face-to-face in Sittingbourne, Kent 

2) Appointment Confirmation
I will verify and confirm your appointment via email or text. Please note, that if you have not received this confirmation. Your appointment has not been booked.

3) Pre-Consultation Assessment
After confirming your appointment, we will send an intake form to gather essential health-related information prior to your consultation.

4) Consultation
Your first consultation will last between 45 minutes to 1 hour, allowing for a thorough assessment of your health condition. Subsequent follow-up visits will generally be shorter, about 30 minutes each.

5) Potential Prescription
After your consultation, if necessary, a prescription will be issued. However, there might be instances where further investigations are needed before prescribing medication.

6) Follow-up Scheduling
Depending on your needs, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled to continue tracking your health progress.

How to get the best out of your consultation

  • Bring Your Medical Reports: Have any recent test results, like blood work, ready to present. These can help paint a clearer picture of your health status.
  • Record Medications and Supplements: Make sure to list all medications, supplements, and even herbal remedies you’re currently taking on your intake form.
  • Report All Symptoms: Even if you think a symptom may not be related, it’s essential to share all health changes you’ve noticed.
  • Observe Your Body: Pay attention to any inconsistencies or unusual occurrences related to your health. Noting the specifics can be extremely helpful.
  • Note Your Allergies: Be sure to list any known allergies, whether they are food, medication, or environment-related.
  • Prepare Your Concerns: Take some time before your appointment to write down any issues or concerns. It can be easy to forget when you’re in the consultation.
  • Trust Your Intuition: Remember, you know your body best. If something bothers you, it’s important and relevant.