Mohee (Welcome). My name is Naa Adjeley and I am a GaDangme (Ethnic group in Ghana), East Londoner who is a qualified Medical Herbalist. Tsofanye is very focused on empowering you to take charge of your health. I don’t want you to go through what I did and end up being on a hospital bed having an emergency operation, facing your own mortality because you didn’t know how to read the signs – This is why Tsofanye exists.

The name ‘Tsofanye’ (Cho-Fah-Nyeh) means “medicine mother” in the Ga Language of Ghana. Like the name implies I aim to use herbal medicine to support people in Health and illness. How will I do this:
- Giving you the knowledge through lectures, social media and books.
- Supporting you on an individual basis through 1:1 consultations (Click here to find out what happens in a consultation)
- Creating workshops that will teach you the practical applications of herbal medicine in your life.
My passion is women’s health and working with African traditions to provide the answers to the illnesses that plague our community. So I will be doing lots of work with my ‘nieces’ to make sure Fibroids, Endometriosis, PCOS, severe period pain is not their portion.
So what is Herbal Medicine?
Using plants in various forms as medicine to support health and provide healing in illness.
My Social Media
If you wish to see more of what I am about, please explore my website and Social media channels. If you like what you see, book me for a lecture, workshop or consultation!