Book a workshop

Are you interested in having me as a speaker at your upcoming event or to host a workshop?

Below, you’ll find a selection of workshop and lecture options that I’m delighted to offer. If you prefer a more tailored experience, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact me through the provided ‘Contact Us’ form or simply send an email to [email protected]. We can then talk and see how I can support you.

When you get in touch, please include a proposed date, location, and time for the event.

What does your period say about you?


Your period is your monthly health check-in. In this lecture, I tell you more about periods, what to look out for and how to maintain period health.

Plant medicine around you


I will talk about the medicinal properties of herbs that are around you – specific to your location and you will have an opportunity to taste some of these in tea form.

Fibroids, and Endometriosis and how to manage these conditions

(Lecture or Workshop)

This lecture will go through what these conditions are and how to manage them herbally and nutritionally. In the workshop version I will teach you how to make one of the products mentioned to support you on your journey (eg cleaning product, cream or deodorant).

Your Child has started their period!


Your child has started her period and you don’t know what to do? I will tell you everything you need to know from a parents perspective and equip you with the tools you need to make your children journey into adulthood smoother.

Bespoke lecture

(Lecture or Workshop)

Do you want something bespoke to cater to conditions affecting you or your community? Then get in touch and let’s see what we can come up with.

Puberty modules – these are designed to be delivered across three separate hours, covering diet and lifestyle, the science of puberty, things to look out for when something is wrong.

Puberty modules (for young girls 11-15)


This is for those who have recently started their period. I will go through everything you need to know from what is a period, to what products you need to buy. So if you are already working with this group of young women as part of a tradition or homeschooling, this could be for you.

Puberty Rites


We will soon be launching a residential for those who have just started their periods (between 11-15 years old). Please click here to express your interest and be the first to know when we launch.



£250 per lecture


1-15 people – £200

16-25 People  – £300