August 11, 2023

Herbs herbalists use for period pain

Firstly periods should not be painful, at most a dull annoying ache. But when you are struggling to do daily activities and even painkillers aren’t helping, something isn’t quite right. Do get it checked out as we shouldn’t be in a place where we are dreading our periods. It’s a time for cleansing and in some cultures spiritual empowerment. Periods can tell you so much about your body if you know what to look for. So if your monthly periods are very painful, please do go to the doctors.

In this article I am going to write about some herbs i’ve used for period pain. The list is definitely not exhaustive and particularly the last two I would take under supervision of a professional.


Mild Pain

     1) Matricaria chamomilla – Chamomile

Yes oooo, most of us know this herb as a great calming remedy for sleep. But did you know that as an antispasmodic it’s brilliant for period pain. I discovered its effect by accident. I was on my period, took a pain killer in the morning (used to take it every 5-6 hours), and whilst at work I made a cafetiere of Chamomile to drink throughout the day. 6pm, I finished work and noticed that I had not taken another dose of painkiller – and didnt for the rest of the evening. But you have to make a strong infusion – but remember it’s also slightly laxative so don’t over do it.


     2) Psidium guajava – Guava Leaf

I have spoken about this plant in my article about my favourite ghanaian plants and you can understand why. The leaves are a great herb for period pain because it has analgesic (pain killing) properties, and if you are someone who hasn’t slept in days because of the pain, this also makes you sleepy, very calming like chamomile!


Modest Pain

     3) Viburnum opulus – Cramp Bark

Says it all in the common name, it helps stop cramps as an ‘antispasmodic’. This antispasmodic property can work on other muscles too e.g. muscles around joints. I would take droplets in tincture form and it would relieve the stronger types of pain. But dosage is important so do take it under the supervision of a herbalist.


Severe Pain

     4) Anemone Pulsatilla – Pasqueflower

Now this one for me is the OG (although there are even stronger herbs I won’t go into here). I first encountered this when a herbalist gave me capsules of Anemone with Ginger and my pain was GONE! Later on because Anemone was hard to come by, so this herb was replaced by Cramp Bark and although it did something, it just wasn’t the same. For me there is a difference between feeling that little uncomfortable sensation and feeling like you weren’t on your period – which is what anemone did for me. However this is one herb I will access from professionals as the herb has to be prepared in a particular way so as not to cause you wahala (problem) and dosage is important.


Period pain can often reflect an underlying cause. So although relieving the pain can be helpful it’s only dealing with the symptoms. If you want long term change, it is best to speak with your healthcare provider to do the necessary investigations. Then as a herbalist we can support you on your journey to wellness.

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